Top 10 Email Marketing Do’s and Don’ts Tips

Top 10 Email Marketing Do’s and Don’ts Tips
CostperOpen - top 10 email marketing dos and donts tips

Email is an effective medium to send timely messages to customers. Follow these top 10 Email Marketing Do’s and Don’ts Tips for achieving the best results.

Email Marketing DO’S

Do use valid email address and keep update your list time to time
If your email data is not genuine and not valid or exist anymore then your email will send and bounce and if there is more number of bounces in each email campaigns then there will be higher probability of blocking/blacklisting of your server/IPs/domain.

Always remove unsubscribed and bounced email ID from mailing list before sending a new email campaign, you can update your email list time to time in order to remove invalid IDs.

Do use signatures in your email content
Always include a signature at the footer of your emails content along with your company address. You can use your signature to link back to your website, and even to your other products.

Do uses catchy Subject Line
Make sure your subject line is persuasive and catches your readers attention. Instead of using something causal lines.
'CostperOpen Newsletter: 10 Tips for Email Marketing Success'

Do increase email sending volumes gradually
Start sending emails with low volume and gain the reputation for your IPs, for your domain and for your servers. Do NOT jump directly by sending mass mails from day with the newly setup account. Let the ESP know about your brand then send large volumes.

Do use unsubscribed link
Always include Unsubscribed link always in footer of your mail, so that users can opt out their email ID from the mailing list, otherwise they move toward marking you spam which will cause your reputation and will affect your deliver-ability to other users.

Email Marketing DON’TS

Don’t do spamming
Do not include Spam keyword in your email contents. like Cash, Bonus, Sale, Free etc.

Don’t send generic emails

Do not send generic emails like Dear sir. Dear User or Hello Friends, Hi There.
Use Personalize emails (such as 'Hi Jane' instead of all above greetings) will increase your open rate.

Don’t use only HTML version or only Text Version
Make sure that you have included HTML and Text version of your emails for browser compatibility. Only use HTML or Text version will not work out for you.

Don’t uses big attachments and too many images
Please avoid big attachment, or try to completely avoid it, if it is possible, since ESP always see these attachments a carrier of Virus or malware. So try to avoid that until it is very necessary.
If you want to send email like a Invoice copy or something like that you can upload it on a third server and include the URL of that attachment download in the email instead of sending attachments directly.

Please avoid too much images in your email and maintain text to image ratio.

Don’t send too emails without Encryption
Please configure your server and set up your DKIM, DMARC, PTR & SPF on your SMTP Email Server properly.

You can achieve high number of open rates and click through rate by using these above 10 Email Marketing Do’s and Don’ts Tips.