

Total Unique Open Emails

Cost per Open Email


Unlimited Sending

Only pay for open/read emails

Drag & Drop Editor

Responsive Templates

Inbuild Campaign Builder

Email Delivery Management

Send Email Newsletters

Surveys & Polls

Engagement Email

Custom Domain

Custom Branding

Dedicated Domains and IPs


Unlimited Contacts

Advanced and simple Contact Management

Customizable Sign-up Forms

Customizable landing Pages

List Segmenting

Comapny Segmentation


Real-Time Reporting

Geographical Reporting

Statistics on Openings, Clicks, etc

New Business



Growing Business






Professional Marketer



Pricing for CostperEmail

Pay as you go model, Cost based on each sent email, Lowest price guaranteed

Common questions

What is a CPO (Cost per Open) Model?
You do not have to pay per email sent basis or based on your number of email contacts.
You only have to pay for those emails which opened or read by your contacts. This model is called CostperOpen model.

Do You Have A Setup Cost?
Absolutely not. All plans are pay as you go basis with no contracts, no setup fees, and no hidden gimmicks. You can Cancel them anytime.

Do You Restrict Features With A Free Trial?
While trials are more limited than paid accounts, you will be able to try most of our features.

What is a Contact?
A contact is a single person detail you have added in your account. Think of 1 email address being 1 contact.

What payment methods do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, TansferWise, Westron Union, MoneyGram, Bank Transfer as the mode of payment for our services.

Anything special discount?
Yes! You can check with our customer service representative for the latest offer and discounts.