
Dashboard Overview

Our Dashboard brought a customized dashboard where each user can compose widgets with information they want to track.

All the widgets will display data in the selected global date range filter at the top of the widget list. The default date range is set from 30 days ago to today. Line charts will change the time unit automatically depending on the day count selected in the date range filter like this:

Date range is equal 1 day: Hours Date range is between 1 and 31 days: Days Date range is between 32 and 100 days: Weeks Date range is between 101 and 1000 days: Months Date range is greater than 1001 days: Years

The only widget exceptions which display the same information independent on the date range are Upcoming emails and Recent activity.


Calendar Overview

Our email marketing platform can be used as a basic CRM. You or your teammates can write notes for a specific contact. A note can be marked with a specific purpose: General, Email, Call, Meeting. It's also possible to define a date of a meeting or a call. If you do so, the note will also appear in the calendar.


Contacts overview

Contacts are the central factor of a marketing automation platform. These are all the individuals with whom you will interact in some way.

Adding contacts quickly

If you have contacts you would like to quickly add to the system manually, and they are not in the system as part of the normal work flow (for example by completing an inquiry form or having been imported) you can use the Quick Add Contact button to add them to the system.

You can of course also add them through the New Contact form and add much more detail but for quick entry this is the easiest and fastest way to get the contact into the system.

Adding contacts normally

If you have contacts to import and you have time to add all the information, click on the drop down arrow to the right of 'Quick Add Contact' and select 'New'. This opens the new contact screen, where you can enter all the information you have about the contact. Use the tabs at the top to add custom fields and social network profiles.

Importing contacts

We offer the ability to import contacts from other sources via CSV file - this is a great way to get up and running quickly if you need to import a lot of contacts at once.

To use the import facility, make sure that you first have all the fields set up under 'Manage fields' which correspond to the information you are importing - you don't want to lose any data if at all possible.

Once you have created all the contact fields, click on the drop down arrow to the right of the Quick Add Contact button, and select 'Import'.

Upload your CSV file, and ensure that you match the delimiter, enclosure and escape characters so that the importer can understand the data.

When you click on 'Upload' you will have the opportunity to match the fields found in the CSV file to the fields that you have in our system, which will allow the data to be correctly imported.

Following values will result in TRUE when importing a Boolean value: 1, true, on and yes. Those values can be also capitalized and still taken as TRUE. Any other value will be saved as FALSE.


Companies Overview

Companies are a way to group contacts based on the companies the contact works or has worked for.


Segments Overview

Segments provide ways to easily organize your contacts. These segments can be configured from a variety of fields.

When you will view all segments you will notice the column on the right which shows the number of contacts matching that particular segment.


Components Overview

The Components menu contains the following items:

Dynamic Web Content
Landing Pages
These items must be created before you can use them in a campaign.


Assets are those items which you will provide to your contacts typically upon completion of a form. These assets are traceable items and can carry their own point values, history, and tracking statistics.

A few common examples of assets include:

a white paper provided in regards a particular product or service
a download-able demo application or other digital product;
any file of interest to the contact such as video, mp3, presentation, etc.


Forms are a special part of the marketing automation system. A form is used to collect user information often in exchange for providing access to download, an event registration, or an email newsletter. Forms allow you to collect contact data and add additional information to their profile.

Landing Pages

Pages within our system are a powerful tool for quickly creating compelling content with a single focus. Use pages for directing contacts through a form or providing a way to download an asset, or merely tracking interest in a particular subject.

Dynamic Content

Our System introduced the ability to embed content on a web page dynamically for both anonymous visitors and known contacts.


Campaign Overview

The campaign overview will show you many details of your campaign including the number of contacts which have been added to a campaign, the number of emails sent, and the number of page views resulting from the campaign.

Additional information includes a quick overview of what decisions and actions are available on a campaign, as well as a grid layout overview of all the contacts on a campaign.

With many of the other overview screens you can view the recent activity taken place on the campaign.

Basic Campaign Creation

Creating campaigns is an easy process which involves picking a name, creating a description, and defining the segments to associate with the campaign. These campaigns can then be assigned a category and defined publishing information. All of these are rather standard aspects of a new campaign creation.

Note: The segment selection will only show public segments. This means any segments created by individuals within the company marked as private will not be available for campaigns.

Advanced Campaign Creation

The basics of campaign creation are handled easily by the initial screen but the finer details of building a campaign occur within the campaign builder. This might be considered advanced campaign creation but every campaign does need to use the campaign builder.


Channels Overview

The Channels Drop down contains:

Social Monitoring
Focus Items
All of these must be created or configured before you can use them in a campaign.


Emails can be created to be used within campaigns and other list activities. Emails option provide a means for direct interaction with potential customers, clients, and contacts.

Template Emails

Template emails are transactional by default and can be used in campaigns, form submit actions, point triggers, etc. These can be sent to the same contact as many times as needed. These cannot be sent to a contact outside of another component except when sending an email directly to a contact in which the content is cloned (template emails sent directly to a contact are not associated with the template email itself and thus stats are not tracked against it).

Segment Emails

These are marketing emails by default. Segments are assigned to the email which will determine which contacts receive the communication. Note that each contact can only receive the email once - it's like a mailing list.

Social Monitoring

It's possible to add contacts to our system through monitoring Twitter for mentions and hash tags. Go to Channels--Social Monitoring and click New. Select Twitter Hash tags as the Monitoring Method. Type the hash tag you wish to monitor in the Twitter Hash tag box. Name the monitor and click save.

Focus Items

Focus allows you to engage users on your site through bars, modals, notifications and full page takeovers. These can be initiated at different times and with different actions such as exit intent.


Points provide a way for contacts to be properly weighted. These points have both triggers and actions. Each term will be properly defined and a thorough understanding of how points function will ensure that your overall marketing automation process is successful.


Stages is a way to define the life cycle of a contact. Create stages based on your marketing stages, and move your contacts from stage to stage.


Report Overview

Highly customized reports can be generated through our system's Report menu.

You can choose the data source appropriate to the report you want. All data source has a different set of available columns, filters and graphs.

Bounce and Unsubscribe Request Management

Bounce and Unsubscribe Request Management Overview

CostperOpen has provided a feature which allows monitoring of IMAP accounts to detect bounced emails and unsubscribe requests.

Note that our system makes use of "append" email addresses. The return-path or the list-unsubscribe header will use something like [email protected] The bounce or unsubscribe let's costperopen system note what type of email it is when it examines the inbox through IMAP. The abc123 gives our system information about the email itself, i.e. what contact it was it sent to, what costperopen email used, etc.

Some email services overwrite the return-path header with that of the account's email (Gmail, AWS etc). In these cases, bounce monitoring will not work. Some other ESPs support webhook callbacks for bounce management. See below for more details.

Monitored Inbox Settings

To use the Monitored email feature you must have the PHP IMAP extension enabled (most shared hosts will already have this turned on). Simply go to the Our system's configuration and fill in the account details for the inbox(es) you wish to monitor.

It is possible to use a single inbox, or to configure a unique inbox per monitor.

Note that it is best to create an email specifically for this purpose, as our system will read each message it finds in the given folder.

If sending mail through Gmail, the Return Path of the email will automatically be rewritten as the Gmail address. It is best to use a sending method other than Gmail, although our system can monitor a Gmail account for bounces.

If you select an Unsubscribe folder, our system will also append the email as part of the "List-Unsubscribe" header. It will then parse messages it finds in that folder and automatically unsubscribe the contact.